I'm not sure whether I should have started a new topic with this question, but I hated to take up too much room on the message boards.
As I've been researching, I've seen a lot of people spending lots of time and money on things like homesteading workshops (the SKIP events), books, etc. And the SKIP program itself has been going on for several years.
My question is: how many people have inherited property? I understand and agree with the fact that the homesteading skills are worth the trouble, but I still feel like we should know what our chances are.
After looking at the leaderboard, there are 2 people who have achieved PEP1 and 23 people who are BB60. So my question is: how many of them have actually inherited property? What is the success rate? I am very interested in doing things like attending the classes, but only if "Otises" really are coming on here and looking for homesteaders.
So, in the 4 years or so since the program started, how many people have people successfully inherited property using the program?