Phillip V Eagle

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since Aug 10, 2023
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Recent posts by Phillip V Eagle

This sounds amazing. I grew up in the Mohave desert in California. I know some parts of AZ. Lived in Laughlin Nv for 5 years. One of my dreams has always been to take folks on wilderness tracks through the desert. Time to reflect and re-align with those energies we’ve lost.

My people are from Sonora and New Mexico.
I’m a contractor of sorts and landscaper. There’s so much potential in the desert especially around monsoon season. Would love to chat and learn more about your place.
2 months ago
Sounds like my neck of the woods. Sent you a pm.
3 months ago
Hey there. Phil here just discovered your ad here on permies. I'm interested in the work exchange. My background is in home repair, construction, Landscaping, masonry and more. I'm transitioning back down to southern California from Washington state (Okanogon county). I would like to talk a bit more about your plans. I notice a empty swimming pool in the image provided which could be used for a fishpond for aquaponics. I'm open to discussing ideas and thoughts. i have a work truck loaded with tools.
Let me know what yah got going.    
3 months ago
Weather is turning cold and the mountains are starting to get covered in snow. South bound may be the way to go in the interim.

So still looking for that special someone to do some planning with. The world is changing ever so rapidly and time seems to be standing still for the next shoe to drop.

I do have a plan and a desire to root and thrive. Of all things I would like to include is a settled partner. Someone who is open minded and emotionally mature enough to take on the world with me. Life is hard enough going it alone.

Let’s powwow and talk about the old ways.
3 months ago
Phil here.

This site was suggested to me by my neighbor. Didn't know there was a singles forum. Cool.
I'm a SoCal native Born and raised. Mascalero Apache and Yaqui, Ashkenazi. 5'4"  
Lived in the city, a reservation and the desert. I have 3 kids who live abroad.

I'm a handyman of sorts can do a little of a lot of things. I build, I fix and create art.
I've been on this home steading kid for some time now. Took me 30 years to get myself out of Cali my home state.
Lived in Alaska, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Florida, Georgia and now Washington. Turns out my people were all nomadic.
Have always loved the country life and all the possibilities that could be. Permaculture is my life goal.

I work as a handyman/Mason/contractor.  
I have 5 acres in southern Colorado @10,400f in the Sangre de cristo Mountains. Beautiful place. Its more for my kids.
But am looking for bigger spread to build upon. I've spent a number of years researching and planning for a self-sustainable life with a special someone.
I'm Currently sitting on 40 acres in the Okanogan county. The land is owned by my ex and her business partner which could be an option. This is my second summer up here and have made some good connections for work. Its small town feel out here but ideal to bug out or build out.

Any who. I'm not sure what I'm seeking other than brains, Beauty and open minded. Don't care about race because my family is mixed.
Looking to permanency.  

5 months ago