emu tao

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since Aug 12, 2023
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Recent posts by emu tao

Here is old post about purchasing land or house in Europe. Hope contact each other.
Always be careful. I completed this via diy 80%. Got info online, compare different sources. Sometimes pay more, I think it's progress of learning.
Here we are, a open group on Facebook, everything about community, friend, dating, "Permaculture Community"
It's in Balkan, Serbia, Balkan country has similar environment, Bosnia, Croatia, Albania... Google info on web, fb, come to see it.
Now I need help, it's season of fruit and vegetables, apple, pear, plum, watermelon, cantaloupe, pumpkin, beets, tomato, come to eat...
If you need info, reach me on FB. Same name.
I saw people create a group, but it's not permies. I think big formal topic here, small temporary talk on group, must open, better.
I looked for land for permaculture many years. first in souty America, some best retirement destinations. lived in Ecuador, good choice: residence easily, good weather, cheap food, low cost, house in village isn't expensive;
then, come to balkan, also: residence easily, mid to low cost, cheap house with backyard in village.
so I moved in a old house, with abandoned backyard, grow some lately this year, have chicken, easy to survive, have space to business.