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Dawn Huff

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since Aug 20, 2023
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Recent posts by Dawn Huff

Hi Jim, I’m Dawn. Your post peaks my curiosity and interest. Based on reading your post, it seems like we  have a lot in common. I would enjoy getting to know you. I’m not a fan of selfies (camera shy) but can send photo if helpful. I’m 5’2”, blond hair, green eyes and in good shape. I like/prefer to be active.

Talking is always my preference but happy to start where it feels most comfortable. Email:
Hi Dave, a bit late responding to your post but I’m intrigued.  I’m 56, single for many years, blind, green eyes, 5’2” but relatively strong, in good shape, have a can do attitude, own land that I deeply love in WA, and have always wanted a partner who shared my desire to live simply and sustainably and would equally invest their heart and hands on my small slice of paradise. For many years I raised most of my food including a menagerie of animals (cows, goats, sheep, ducks, chickens, horses, and dogs) After my daughter grew up and moved away, I moved into a career. I’m looking forward towards retirement and settling back on my land and back into the lifestyle I love. If interested in chatting:

Wishing you well on your journey, Dawn