Mc Willis

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since Sep 15, 2023
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Recent posts by Mc Willis

Thanks, David.
I actually thot I mentioned There is no shipping. These batteries at least 100# ea. Transformers and all aren't lite either. Someone needs to be able to come after these. If someone wants to ship I could take to shippers, but I agree would likely not be feasible.
I live n Arkansas, close to Oklahoma n Texas, actually Kansas n Louisiana prob 4-5 hrs, TN n MO bout 6hrs away, course that's borders. Hopefully, will b worth someone making a trip. It has powered my 2b2b home for 3yrs, that's freezer, frig, washer/dryer, dishwasher, hot water heater,stove top, oven, and heat and air, tv's etc.
1 year ago
Okaayy. See how that works. Would like these to get moved outta the LR. Plus they shouldn't sit idle for any great length of time.

Is there a particular area to post items to sell, as I have had recent building projects, I have odds and ends for sale?
1 year ago
Got assist from my solar professor. Proper terminology and description. Will try adding as attachment?
1 year ago

Have recently changed parts of solar  system.
These I no longer have use for and would like to sale.
I am sure to not be helpful when answering questioins regarding components and capacity and such, but I will get your question answered with a little extra time.
Off Grid System to home breaker panel.
Context XW6848 inverter (6.8kW), Auto Generator Start, Indoor Control
Panel, DC breaker panel. Maximum generator connection 14KW allowed.

19KWH AGM Lead Acid battery bank. No Maintenance required.
20 Batteries.

Purchased 2020. Recommended 7yr life on batteries.
Should be good another 3-4yrs. Would like to get some back to cover system revisions
No Panels included. No generator included.

Paid 22,754.00

1 year ago