I know this thread is like a hundred years old, but I've had luck using a modified reciprocating saw to shake my highbush blueberries as well as my haskaps (honeyberries). I then use a 5ft diameter kiddie pool cut in half to catch the berries, pour them into harvesting trays, and then move on to the next bush. This has nearly eliminated my labor costs on an acre of blueberries (1800 plants) and an acre of haskaps (1400 plants). I built a 3 ft wide by 8 ft long slide, and use a leaf blower while pouring the fruit down the slide to clean out any debris or insects.
While this is very efficient and cost effective, the quality of the berries harvested in this manner isn't quite what I would call table berry quality, but almost, and is perfect for freezing or otherwise processing. But still, for those perfect clamshells of blemishless berries, nothing beats hand harvesting!