James Nederveld

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since Sep 28, 2023
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Recent posts by James Nederveld

Interesting ! I appreciate the link, it sounds like basically that's what I'm after up here in zone 5/6 except Arachis pintoi is more in the tropics? !

Amphicarpaea bracteata from my understanding is "hog peanut" .

3 days ago
I have noticed this plant in areas other large trees will not be growing in. After moving through the area I will visible see water soaking into my tracks in the snow.

Any ideas? Seems like a great area to explore in the spring and "develop" with other species.

3 days ago
Does anyone know if the nitrogen fixer hog peanuts vegetation can be rotationally grazed by tractored rabbits/guinea pigs?

Any idea on protein content of the plant itself?

Thank you
2 weeks ago
Question, are there any good shade preferring ground cover plants that could be rotationally grazed by tractored rabbits or guinea pigs? Are there any high in protein options? Are there any ones that could be rotationally grazed that also fix nitrogen? Thank you

4 weeks ago
How do the suckers respond to tip layering?
4 weeks ago
Has anyone grafted onto these?
1 month ago