Ry Langmeyer

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since Oct 03, 2023
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I am selling an 18.4 hectare (45.5 acre) Organic/Permaculture/Boutique/Family or Community Farm in Uruguay, mostly in Nature Reserve, near the International Village of Aiguá.  See the property here. https://www.danzadeagua.uy/ .  See Aiguá here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eans-JhNSWU    There is a main residence, plus a cabaña, a casita, and a single site camp ground for eco-tourism. Over 300 fruit and nut trees in food forests. A community shower, a greenhouse, a chicken hutch, a donkey barn, and other eco-tourism and farming structures. A 2800 s.f. barn is under construction. A cañada (stream) flows through the property. There are three tajamars (ponds that collect rainwater). The largest is stocked with bagre (catfish). If interested... please contact Ry at WhatsApp - 598 091 454 446