Jill Chambers

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since Oct 09, 2023
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So it seems I successfully saved the rest of my harvest.  I put on my walnuts all over the floor and put a fan on them and so far no more mold!  Hurray!  I also made a rack for drying them on.  My son had a 3 tier shelf and I added more shelves with these wire shelf cut offs I had laying around from another project.  They all fit together very nicely.  To keep smaller walnuts from falling through I used a plastic hardware cloth on the regular shelves.  With a fan blowing on them 24/7 I should not have any mor4e mold issues.

One other thing: about washing them.  I have seen a few videos where people used pressure washer and claim it doesnt work.  I dont get that.  My Hubby bought me a hose nozzle that does a hard stream and just on a regular garden hose I can get my walnuts amazing clean.  Before that nozzle I would have to do 5 or so water changes in the bucket with a drill and wire wheel before they were clean.  Now with that nozzle it takes only 3 times and they are almost sparkling!

Happy walnutting!
1 year ago
Yes I pulled the husks off before washing and drying.  If I leave them outside my entire crop would be gone. The twelve or fifteen I put outside today due to the mold were gone in an hour. I also try to pick up ones that are less than 50% black as I read that the longer the husk stays on and the blacker it is, then the nuts get bitter.  I am a novice so dont know if that is true or not.
1 year ago
Thanks.  I plan on making some trays with screens but havent had a chance to.  The cookie sheets worked well last years, but I had less and probably moved them around more.  So now they are all spread out and I have a fan blowing on them.  Its such a large and beautiful crop I hope I dont loose them all.  Its about 5 cookie sheets.  So far had to toss about a dozen
1 year ago
This is my second time harvesting black walnuts. First time was a complete success! So I did the same thing again this year. However, after drying on cookie sheets (all I had to store them on) in single layer for 5 to 7 days and they felt dry I put them in mesh bags. I was careful to turn the bags and give them a good mixing up every other day or so. They have been sitting that way for 2 weeks now and today when I went to turn them a few fell out of the bag and I noticed mold on them. I dumped them all out on the floor and went through them all and pulled out about a dozen with mold. Do you think the whole batch is bad or just those ones? Do I need to toss the whole batch? Is it possible I washed them too long? I did a 4 or 5 water change and used a wire wheel on a drill in the bucket to stir them and clean them.

I really hope the whole batch isnt bad now, I have quite a few.  They rest are now all laid out single layer all over my dining room floor as I have no where else to put them.  which is why they were in the mesh bags so I could hang them up out of the way.

Thanks so much.
1 year ago
Do you have to discard nuts that I found some white mold growing on them.  Is the whole batch now bad or just those nuts?
1 year ago