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suzy chen

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since Oct 30, 2023
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Recent posts by suzy chen

Last time, I found that I used recycled plastic LIDS to grow some seedlings. In the following post, I found that more friends also used this method to grow seedlings, using some discarded plastic bottles, plastic buckets, metal buckets and some plastic straps, etc. These wastes can be made into a simple plant cultivation tool. What I do is I grow a seedling out of a lid and then I transplant it into a plastic bottle or a bucket and let it grow, and then I harvest the fruit. One conclusion I have come to from this kind of cultivation is that this kind of cultivation method can not only get the most out of the minimum space but also contribute to the environmental protection of the area we live in
I used the plastic lids I recycled on my small table in a small space. I put the seeds in and they sprouted. Then I transplanted the seedlings into my flower pots for cultivation. I found that recycling some lids can be used to cultivate the seedlings. Has anyone tried the new method?