Liv Smith wrote:Looks like foxglove to me.
Joe Hallmark wrote:How big of an area are you wanting to cover? if this is just a guild around one tree I think you’ve done a pretty great job at putting it together. I’d put a flower or two that would help while the comfrey gets established. There’s quite a few that are compatible with walnuts.
John F Dean wrote:There is a great deal we don’t know.
Where is your property? ( in terms of rain and temperature)
Does it have any structures in it?
Does it have electricity run to it.
Is anyone else moving there with you?
Finally, with any plan comes the question if cash.
If, there is no place to live, shelter comes to mind. After having lived in a tent for more than a few months, I would suggest a storage shed. This would have use after my dwelling is in. I would buy the largest one I could comfortably afford. Having one that could be moved might have benefits.
Certainly observe your property. But, no matter what you will need water. The source of the water will be heavily influenced by the location of your property. When I bought property in MN, my well went in before I moved.
I would be wondering about heat the winter? I calculate how big of woodlot I need? Will I need to cut wood now for next winter …or will I need to buy? Either way, I would need the wood to start drying now.
John Wolfram wrote:
Brandon Stokley wrote:i am moving to my new property in Lewis County, WA in just a few weeks. new house, well and septic, 5.75 cleared and level acres whats my first move?
My suggestion for a first move is to do nothing for a while. Watch and observe for a few months.