Michael Burns

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The Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute

with support from
Owasco Watershed Lake Association, Auburn Beautification Commission
and Booker T. Washington Community Center

presents a weekend of workshops
with author and ecological designer
Dave Jacke

Auburn, NY: June 9-11, 2017
Learn more at: http://fingerlakespermaculture.org/dave-jacke/
7 years ago

The Cornell University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences

along with the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute (FLPCI)

offer as part of an online Permaculture Design Certificate course:

Permaculture Design: Ecosystem Mimicry
January 16 – March 2, 2017

Enrollment is now open for “Permaculture Design: Ecosystem Mimicry.”

The class can be taken as a stand-alone course or as one of three in a series offered in permaculture design leading to a Permaculture Design Certificate.

Michael Burns, a cofounder of FLPCI, will be the course instructor for this opportunity based on the permaculture curriculum and activities developed by the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute over the past decade.

This program provides rigorous, evidence-based instruction in the principles and methods of permaculture design based on the internationally recognized curriculum.

There are just a few weeks left to sign up. With only 15 participants per course, enrollment frequently sells out.

Read more at: http://fingerlakespermaculture.org/earn-pdc-home-cornell-university/
Register at: http://hort.cals.cornell.edu/extension-outreach/distance-learning

About eight seats left in the class. Sign up soon!
10 years ago

There is a whole crowd of permaculture practitioners in the Finger Lakes:

I hope we cross paths.

Michael Burns
10 years ago
The Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute (FLPCI)
invites you this summer to the
beautiful, abundant Finger Lakes region of New York
to learn permaculture.

July 25th through August 10th, 2014

Read more at: http://fingerlakespermaculture.org/?p=2316

FLPCI's renowned design certificate course immerses students in over 84 hours of instruction. Our rigorous design practicum empowers you to design using the principles and methods of permaculture.

Our teachers, including guest speakers, are working experts in land use, design, research, governance, business and teaching. Michael Burns, Rafter Sass Ferguson, Steve Gabriel, and Karryn Olson-Ramanujan bring thousands of hours of permaculture teaching experience to people of all backgrounds and experiences.

Our curriculum, refined over nine years and eleven certificate courses, continues to improve its integrity and relevance through student feedback, our assessment of their design work, and the latest research. Our teaching methods incorporate design work on real sites and hands-on experience with strategies like hot composting, mushroom inoculation, marking contours, and the siting of buildings and ponds on the landscape. Our field trips to Finger Lakes area urban, farm, and homestead demonstration sites give students real life examples of the success and challenges of applied permaculture design.

Our alumni repeatedly describe their 15 days of permaculture immersion as a paradigm-shifting, inspirational opportunity to reevaluate the systems and designs of their work, homes, and community projects. They appreciate the chance to study permaculture in our temporary learning community at a small off-grid farm. Graduates leave with new skills as well as a new network of colleagues that support their work creating regenerative livelihoods and homes.

Early Sign-up Discounts:

If your budget is tight, January is an opportunity for an early sign-up $1000 tuition to our 12th Permaculture Design Certificate course. This discount is only available during January of 2014 for tuition paid in full. Your $400 non-refundable deposit reserves your place in class. Your payment of the $600 balance by January 31st, earns you the discount.

Click here to sign up during January, 2014: http://fingerlakespermaculture.org/?p=2316

Pay in full by May 1st and receive a $200 discount. The full tuition is $1400 after May 1.

11 years ago

The Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute

presents our 11th

Permaculture Design Certificate course

July 26 - August 11, 2013

Since 2005, we’ve been offering the internationally-recognized permaculture curriculum, preparing students to put their new design skills to work immediately. Join instructors Steve Gabriel, Michael Burns, Karryn Olson Ramanujan and Rafter Sass Ferguson at this year's class and immerse yourself in a discipline that is catching on across the globe as a practical, yet revolutionary way to create an abundant and sustainable life. Enjoy learning at our off-grid permaculture site on a woodland farm in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York.

Currently reviewing work trade applications for reduced tuition.

Fellowships offered for activist, organizers, and educators in collaboration with the Permaculture Institute of the North East.

Save $200 by signing up before May 1.

Go to: http://FingerLakesPermaculture.org

11 years ago

Permaculture Design Certification course

July 27 through August 12, 2012

in the beautiful

Finger Lakes Region of New York


Learn the permaculture design process during 15 engaging days
in an off-grid learning community. Since 2005, we have been training
people of all backgrounds, ages, experience and skill levels to design
using natural patterns based on ecological principles. Students bring
a mix of skills and experience that our teachers draw out to enrich
the course for all participants. Our graduates leave ready to design
and create with a new network of colleagues and friends to inspire
and assist.


Steve Gabriel, Karryn Olson Ramanujan, Rafter Sass Ferguson, and
Michael Burns each offer years of practical knowledge gained through
work on nationally renowned projects, consulting with clients, and in
their own communities. Collectively they have taught thousands of
hours of permaculture design courses.


Our teachers design, coordinate and innovate their teaching every year
to deliver the traditional permaculture curriculum and include new ideas
and strategies developed by practitioners in northeastern North America.
Design skills are taught through hands-on and experiential activities
developed over seven years of the Institute's courses.

$1200 tuition includes prepared meals and camping.

Register and pay in full by May 1 and save $200.

Work trade options for reducing tuition available. See our website for details.

Class size is limited.

Learn more about the course at:

12 years ago
Learn the principles and techniques of permaculture and ecology that help us make better choices for our land, families, and communities.

Presented in cooperation with the Alchemical Nursery, and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County (EPO/EEO), the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute will offer a 12-class course for beginners and experts that leads students to ideas, strategies, and their own sustainable design solutions.

Class work will include a self-selected design project. You can design your own backyard, garden space, vacant lot, field, forest, or even an entire neighborhood. Examples and applications will be presented in both an urban and rural context.


Onondaga County 2011 course:
Weekend Workshop: February 4 & 5, 2012 (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
9 Thursday evenings: 2/9 - 4/25, 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Steve Gabriel and Michael Burns, with Kayleigh Burgess, Frank Cetera, and regional guest presenters.

$200 – $400 (based on what you can afford)

Register at FingerLakesPermaculture.org

13 years ago