Karen Linkous

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since Nov 15, 2023
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How did you repurpose the space previously occupied by the old dishwasher into a functional drying rack system, and what specific steps did you take to adapt the wire racks from the dishwasher for this purpose?
1 year ago
A raptor perch should be 15-20 feet tall and have a 18-inch diameter disk of wood as a perching surface. While a platform can be used for nesting, a crosswise stick is sufficient for perching. The height is important for providing the raptor with a clear view of its surroundings and enabling it to hunt effectively. For a 50-acre field, multiple perches would be beneficial to provide the raptor with more options and coverage.

1 year ago
Sweet potatoes are sensitive to frost and should be harvested before the first frost occurs. If the vines are already dead, you can still harvest the roots, but they may not be as sweet and flavorful as if they had been harvested earlier in the season. The roots can tolerate a few light frosts, but a hard frost will damage them. If you are unable to harvest the sweet potatoes for several more days, it is best to cover them with a layer of mulch or straw to protect them from the frost.