Mohammad Abdullatif

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since Nov 17, 2023
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Recent posts by Mohammad Abdullatif

Thanks Anne, that could be it.

Should I replant it or will it affect the ecosystem?
Not as much as conventional farming and deforestation is already doing, don't you agree? 😅
1 year ago
The nearest forest to me is about 60km away, and I'm not sure if I can find any oak species there.

I don't know what the natural ecosystem was like before agriculture expansion, but what motivated me to do this are various reasons including: there's a lot of bare lands around us, the water table is lowering year after year, plus I noticed the loss of various native plants species, and the only thing I can do is your post's idea.

So I'm improvising with what I have locally to increase the green cover as much and easy as possible.

I just found an environment Facebook group in my area, I'll see if I can source other seeds types.

Do y'all think that native species are better than non natives in what we're doing?
1 year ago

Mk Neal wrote:What a disappointment!  Maybe there has been some subtle change in the environment where the zahatar used to grow, like it is more or less shady, or another more competitive plant took over.

I don't know if this counts, but the whole area was a battleground for a good time now, along with bombings on residential areas close to it. (Syria civil war)

Maybe the pollutants altered the soil composition? 90% of the plants that grows now are either spiky or poisonous.

I'll visit another place and look if I can find any zaatar, and see what I can do.
1 year ago
Hi, sorry if this is not the suitable forum for this topic, but it's the closest I found to it.

When I was younger, maybe 7 to 10 years ago, Satureja (not sure if Montana or Hortensis) would grow wildly on a hilltop between limestone rocks, and my family used to forage some of it.

Nowadays, I regained my interest in nature and environment, so I went to look for this herb in the same place where it used to grow, but I can't find any of it.

Can a whole species disappear like this? And what could be the causes? Should I try and replant it?
1 year ago
Hello Mr. Karoubas and fellow friends.
Your post made me addicted (in a good way I hope) to this site.
After reading it, I wandered around in my town and found some candidate fruit and non fruit trees to save seeds from.

I got Almonds, Capers (grow on its own everywhere), Medit. Redbud, Prosopis Farcta, Caesalpinia Gilliesii and Honey Locust (the latter four are N fixating as far as I found).
I sowed multiple seeds of different trees in many locations ( a hilltop, almost barren public park, abandoned -or not- lots), before a heavy rain two days ago, and I hope most of them will establish well in our climate (14" of precipitation, November through April or May), I will go with figs and pomegranates next year I hope.

Some plants that thrive on neglect are Oleander (native?) and Chinaberry (non native) but I didn't bother with them because both are poisonous to humans and livestock and the latter is allelopathic, should I use them?

My town is located in north of Syria.
1 year ago