B Ramsden-Stein

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since Dec 10, 2023
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Recent posts by B Ramsden-Stein

Ben Rs wrote:

Ben Rs wrote:Hello!
Am I doing this right?
This is my first time trying to submit for a BB.
I’ve installed two of these shower filters from hydroviv on our showers, and they’re under the sink filter on our kitchen sink too to replace our berkey filter.
Let me know if I’m missing anything!

Ok take two.
In addition to the above photo of the installation, I believe my missing BB application info is:
- I took a shower! (No pics or video please)
- this screenshot of my filter website is how I know the filter eliminates chlorine

Thank you for your consideration.

Ok take three. Here me showering!
1 month ago

Ben Rs wrote:Hello!
Am I doing this right?
This is my first time trying to submit for a BB.
I’ve installed two of these shower filters from hydroviv on our showers, and they’re under the sink filter on our kitchen sink too to replace our berkey filter.
Let me know if I’m missing anything!

Ok take two.
In addition to the above photo of the installation, I believe my missing BB application info is:
- I took a shower! (No pics or video please)
- this screenshot of my filter website is how I know the filter eliminates chlorine

Thank you for your consideration.
1 month ago
Am I doing this right?
This is my first time trying to submit for a BB.
I’ve installed two of these shower filters from hydroviv on our showers, and they’re under the sink filter on our kitchen sink too to replace our berkey filter.
Let me know if I’m missing anything!
1 month ago