Noel Phares

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since Feb 10, 2024
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I called KA to ask what the heck happened to their Org Bread Flour which I've used for many years now and been happy with its "performance" in making sourdough bread and pizza crust.  Suddenly, maybe around 4 or 5 months ago, something change big time with how it handles during bread making.  It's much softer, stickier, the prior water:flour ratio I've used for eons suddenly leaves the dough way softer w/ less structure.  The KA phone person said she thought it was lower protein content from climate change, which of course is ludicrious that doesn't change overnight, and this change literally happened with the next and all subsequent 5lb bags of flour purchased at a grocery store near Denver CO.  She suggested I add Vital Gluten which I have.  Long about 2 months ago the price went from $11.99 to $7.99 and the store says that's not temporary sale price it's locked in for now.  So what gives?  Was it the addition of this enzyme?  

Recs on Organic Bread Flours you really love?
11 months ago