Fogbound Horn

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since Feb 11, 2024
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Yes my zone changed as well. It will not really impact what I plant, I've always been aggressive in planting things I want to try out even if it's outside of the growing zone, if you can start your seedlings indoors you can be a lot more flexible with what you grow as long as it's not a crop with smaller plants. Anything that's smaller or that I grow in bulk I want to seed in the ground. But if there is something you really want from a hotter zone thab yours if it's an annual there is usually a way! The main thing I care about is how long to harvest if it's really long if I can't start the seeds early I'm likely to pass because the frost is super unpredictable.

The biggest consideration I take into account are rust/mildew resistance, I've had too many promising looking fields totally ruined by that after spending all summer tending to them.

Following that is shade or full sun. Then water requirements.

The main issue with the loss of insects isn't due to the warmer weather. That's both a good thing and a bad thing. Its good in the sense that we collectively can easily change but is all driven by money now. In the last twenty years where I live there has been an explosion of mosquito / tick spraying companies and franchises that just kill everything. I think most of the bee keepers have lost 2/3rds of their hives due to it. I have videos of billowing clouds of this crap.

The county runs the real mosquitoe control program and they do not use aerosols. They apply an enzyme that prevents the mosquito lavre from hatching after confirming that there are a sufficient number in a water body. If they detect a mosquito borne disease obviously they increased their response.
11 months ago