Dan Purpur

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since Feb 13, 2024
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Cristobal Cristo wrote:Dan,

Not sure if I just reply you get notifcation I am replying to you, so I quoted you and deleted quote lol

I grow mushrooms with sawdust, and during learning process some people grow on straw, its best used chopped up though, and people that shred it either have an actual shredder of some sort, or a diy version is a barrel and a weed whacker. You can try that.

I really wanna try experimenting with mushroom substrates, I know some people are doing stuff like that, trying to make different products with mycelium but haven't looked too far into it or seen great references to what is really good, for both insulation and building material.

My local univercity has a program based around this, they buy the mycelium blocks for me and they try and expand it on to different substrates, I visited them the other day, and after a couple years of them buying from me I was really surprised by their lack of progress haha.
I think I could do a better job then them.

11 months ago
New here, and first post, I was looking at https://www.themudhome.com/ and yea the hempcrete seemed like the best with the insulation value but I guess it's become expensive. Ya I wonder what the insulation of strawcrete. Obviously straw is super available but there must be a reason they use hemp and I think its just the inner part of hemp? straw cob pretty much has no insulation, I live in cold climate area so it is pretty critical to consider insulation values.
Hope to find out more on it if you do any tests with insulation please share.
11 months ago