Fred Herrington

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since Feb 21, 2024
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Recent posts by Fred Herrington

Savvy Victoria wrote: Would be interested in getting to know each other

Email me.

Joshua Johnson wrote:Hey brother, don't count us out

Keeping all my options open.
White Christian man, healthy & fit, 38 years old. No medical conditions, no drugs, no vax. I very rarely drink. I smoke tobacco and drink coffee. I am very traditional and skeptical of technology.
I am a widower with a young son. We live on an established homestead, but there is still much building to do. I am a blue collar guy, and I still work fulltime away from the homestead.

I am in south west Wyoming on a modest acreage surrounded by vast swathes of public land and open range grazing. Fully off-grid cabin with most modern appliances. (Some people have described it as a "tiny home," but I don't care for that designation. It is over 600 sq. ft.) I own everything outright. This is an extremely rural and very sparsely populated area. The nearby town has a population of approx. 3000. (45 minute drive to the nearest Walmart or McDonalds.)

I raise dairy goats and layer hens and have plans to expand my stock into other breeds this summer. The growing season is very short here, but modest gardening and crop raising is possible. I grow mostly potatoes and onions, some quick maturing greens, and animal fodder.
Practices on my farm include permaculture, organic gardening, traditional animal husbandry, purity (as the term is used on this forum), deep nutrition, and general self-sufficiency.

I need a strong woman for this homestead to function properly, and I would like to have more children.
If this is of interest to you, please contact me via message on the forum or email me at
I am reluctant to post a picture of myself on the open forum, but I'd be happy to exchange pictures of myself and other more personal info via email, text, etc.
I use a mulch basin style gray water irrigation system, i.e. the washing machine gray water is directly irrigating plants.
I prefer a lye soap, or as close as I can get, for this reason. The fewer ingredients the better. Scents and dyes are obvious "No"s for this application.
The vast majority of commercially available "soaps" these days are actually detergents. Detergents can be appropriate for certain applications, but contributing to your gray water in an irrigation setting is probably not one of them.

Recently I have been using this
The label shows "Saponified Organic Coconut Oil," indicating that this is in fact a type of soap (saponified = rendered into soap) made from plant fat and a type of lye. As opposed to detergent, which is made from petroleum.
There are still a few questionable ingredients, which I wouldn't feel comfortable consuming on food, but it still beats the heck out whatever is in Tide, etc.
And my gray water mulch basin is used to irrigate animal fodder crops, so any residues have to go through two other lifeforms before it gets to my table.

In my estimation, the laundry soap I linked above (or similar) is acceptable for gray water.
1 year ago