Tauri Noa

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since Mar 06, 2024
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I have been educating myself slowly but surely and think I am ready to start homesteading at my home in preparation for future permaculture lifecycle. My current home is in a rural area that is quickly progressing towards suburban as Colorado continues to grow.

I know that I will be relocating within the next 6 years so a lot of what I learn may change when I get to my final destination. I am excited to learn and grow and be part of a community of likeminded people.
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Strasburg, Colorado
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Recent posts by Tauri Noa

Thank you! We do live in a beautiful state I love Southern Colorado <3
1 month ago
Not looking for anything more than friends! Peace and love

Tauri Noa wrote:42 y/o Female Colorado Currently living in a rural town and working on gaining my homesteading skills and permaculture knowledge. Currently, raising my 13 y/o daughter and working in software. Once my daughter graduates I will have already purchased land and started the basics for off grid living (that's the plan). I am not religious, I am spiritual, occasionally drink and am fit from living life and enjoying nature. I ski, hike, boat (paddle, kayak, canoe, crew)... This year I had my first successful fruitful garden lemon balm, tomatoes, carrots, basil, zucchini, butternut squash, cucumbers, dill, tomatillo, giant sunflower and various flowers.

2 months ago
We can give up together <3 Hope this made you smile!
3 months ago
Love this thread, if I don't find a partner at least I found my people INFJ here!
3 months ago
42 y/o Female Colorado Currently living in a rural town and working on gaining my homesteading skills and permaculture knowledge. Currently, raising my 13 y/o daughter and working in software. Once my daughter graduates I will have already purchased land and started the basics for off grid living (that's the plan). I am not religious, I am spiritual, occasionally drink and am fit from living life and enjoying nature. I ski, hike, boat (paddle, kayak, canoe, crew)... This year I had my first successful fruitful garden lemon balm, tomatoes, carrots, basil, zucchini, butternut squash, cucumbers, dill, tomatillo, giant sunflower and various flowers.
4 months ago
Yes! We throw our food scraps and land maintenance scraps into a pile on the property and turn it every once in a while. It was one of the first things I started because I wanted to give back to the earth because the soil here is so deficient in nutrients.
9 months ago
Hello All,

I have recently decided to start educating myself on permaculture and homesteading practices. I have always felt called to work hard in nature to provide for myself and give back to the earth for life it provides.

Looking forward to learning from and sharing with everyone. Happy to have found this great resource and community.

Radiate Love!

10 months ago