George Both

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since Mar 29, 2024
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Timothy Norton wrote:Welcome to Permies,

I am not a pig person but I know that a diet high in calcium/phosphate can cause a chalky color in urine.

Is there any other signs present? Acting normal?

No other signs. She is happy/healthy. We do give her yogurt with her dry food. I'll leave it out of her diet for a few days and see if it clears up. Thank you for the response. Very much appreciated.

11 months ago
I have a 4 year old female. Recently she has had a chalky discharge at the end of her urinating. We had her "fixed" after her first heat cycle. Pretty sure it isn't a heat cycle thing as this has never happened before. We have a traveling vet that comes around but not for two more weeks. Anyone else had a problem similar to ours? Thanks for any help given.
11 months ago