Rachel Crochet

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since Mar 31, 2024
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Recent posts by Rachel Crochet

Wasps or hornets could definitely be an option. Maybe  a spider. I've never seen a spiders in their area but I also don't go looking either. Thanks for the suggestions though, I will do a good inspection of both areas
4 months ago
Hey everyone, I've only posted once before, and I received some great advice about my muscovy ducks, so I'm asking for help again. Yesterday morning I noticed some mild facial swelling in one of my muscovy hens, about 9 months old, but she was still eating, drinking, moving around with th3 flock. Last night she became lethargic, the swelling was much worse, face the size of a baseball, I kept her in a dry safe place, offered water and watched but she passed away in the night. Funny thing is about 3 days ago, I had a turken (naked neck chicken) who died while I was at work during the day. She did not appear to have any symptoms that I know of. They are kept in two separate places, never have been near one another at all. Could it be snake bites? We have copperhead and cotton mouths here. I'm at a loss
4 months ago
Thank you all for the advice. It may actually be that she is unable to sit on all of them, there are 16 eggs in her clutch and we have had some pretty cold nights up until a couple of weeks ago. I will definitely be try taking eggs out next time. If I get any live hatches I'll let yall know, thanks again!
9 months ago
They have access to water at all times. They aren't inbred. The drake and hen are not related in any way. As far as nutrients I'm not sure. I feed them duck feed from tractor supply. And I also mix it with brewers yeast. Is there something else I should be feeding them?
9 months ago
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and I am at a loss. I have several muscovy mamas that have laid very large clutches over the past couple of years. The problem is only 1 or 2 out of every 15 or 16 eggs hatch. They are fertile and develop up to a certain point, but then just stop. It is now day 45 of my mama duck sitting, no rotten eggs but no movement either. And she insists on sitting, she will not get up. I just don't know why they are dying in the egg
9 months ago