Dane Fryeleigh

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since Apr 07, 2024
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Thank you! This is a good place to start.

Anne Miller wrote:For Idaho pasture pigs, I would suggest growing a perennial forage mix.

I have read that alfalfa, ladino, sweet clover, red clover, and lespedeza are legumes that may be used for swine pastures.  Some of these might be biannual.

I hope folks with experience with pasture pigs will chime in.

We plant food plots for deer so their mix is very different.

I will say that using the ATV will come in handy to make sure you get good soil contact.

11 months ago
Hello! First post!

I am up in northern Vermont, and have been keeping idaho pasture pigs for close to two years. I'm a big fan - They are sweet, good natured animals. One of my goals for the coming years is to develop my pasture rotation strategy for them - Even though they are called "pasture pigs", I understand that they are still monogastric and need more than grass to thrive. This winter has also been a big wake-up call in terms of feed costs. These fellers can eat!

I have about 5 acres of old hayfield which has not been hayed in a few years now. My only equipment is a walk-behind lawnmower, a troy-bilt pony rototiller and an ATV with a small trailer. I would love to solicit some ideas of how to use this land to feed my hogs. I believe i have a good handle on how to fence and shelter them, but I have next to no experience with growing feed crops and throw myself on the mercy of your experience.

Thanks in advance!
11 months ago