Hello everybody! I stumbled upon this forum by chance when looking for greenhouse ideas, and I was overwhelmed by the creative technical designs I could find here.
I have an 8x12 greenhouse, where I am trying to add thermal mass. In an attempt to experiment and limit cost, I have sourced for very cheap four 55-gallon poly drums, which I filled with water, an old car radiator, a radiator fan, and an aquarium water pump. I strapped some pipes through a combination of adapters, and got the system running (few photos attached to this post).
The system works well: on my temperature sensors I see a nice little bump at night when I release heat stored in the water, and it reduces my need to provide supplemental heat (which I still need). However, while with a single barrel the system is easy to operate, I am having a very hard time using all 4 barrels at once. I tried using garden-hose 4x1 splitters to both retrieve water from the barrels and return it to them (barrels in parallel), but the predictable result is that each barrel ends up supplying and receiving water at a slightly different rate, which results sooner or later in having a barrel which overflows and one that gets progressively empty. I have thought of some solutions, but all of them seem to have their cons:
1) Leave the barrels connected in parallel as they are now, but only operate the pump for a few minutes a time. The water level will become uneven, but when the pump shuts off, it can even out via the siphon created by the outlets and their common connection at the 4x1 splitter. That would require experimentation on how long to pause, and how often, and what if my timer doesn't work well enough? Or what if the time it takes for the water to even out greatly exceeds the time it takes to become uneven? I'd operate my pump a fraction of the potential time, making the whole system not very useful.
2) Daisy-chain the barrels, i.e., instead of connecting them in parallel as I have them now, connect them in series. Water enters in barrel 1, moves to barrels 2, then 3, then 4, where it is pumped out to the radiator. But how can I let water move across barrels without either being too slow for the rate at which the pump fills #1 and empties #4? In other words, it doesn't seem to me that pure siphon effect between barrels 1->2, 2->3, and 3->4 can keep up with the rate at which water is being pumped into #1 and out of #4... Even if I were to connect the barrels with 4 large hoses at the bottom, how can I avoid that only the water at the bottom of the barrels move through, while most water just rests at the top? Or is that even a problem?
3) Use solenoid valves and water sensors to monitor the barrel levels. Talk about over-engineering...
Would anybody have any recommendation? Any comment of the solutions I could think of, or other solutions that I am missing altogether? I can provide additional clarifying information if needed. Thank you all very much in advance, this community looks amazing!