I am new to permies and haven’t posted much yet but so delighted to see this thread on growing flax!! I started a tiny patch(like maybe only 10 plants) a couple years ago when I had a bunch of expired flax seeds that I had used for baking and smoothies. It was more of an experiment to just see if anything would actually grow but I was also interested in one day growing them for the seeds for food, and also for fiber(as I had recently become obsessed with hemp for clothing and also found out about processing flax for fiber).
To my surprise they grew great! Even through the winter! (I am in California zone 9b Mediterranean climate)
I’ve harvested seeds from that original plant and sprinkled them in different spots all over my yard(living in a new development with small front and back yard). They seem to do well wherever I plant them and when planted at different times and grow at all different times in my climate. Most of the spots I’ve planted them do get a decent amount of watering(mostly planted in my fruit tree guilds-with trees being very small to medium in size) The ones I planted last fall/winter under my Japanese maple have dried seed pods on them but I never harvested and they stayed standing and now I’m seeing more green growth and flowers. Will need to look closer to find if it’s coming from the same old plant or if they are new plants from dropped seeds.
I have big dreams of one day growing my own plants(mostly flax and hemp and maybe try nettles) for making into yarn and weaving to make clothing and other household linens. My mother was a spinner and I inherited her spinning wheel so I hope to learn to use it for this! And maybe for now try drop spindle spinning.
Who is planning to spin it? Will you use drop spindle or wheel? Has anyone already tried?
Saana do you plan on retting and spinning it?
Inge, that is so cool that you work where they are demonstrating the old ways of processing flax! Done without retting and spinning? So does it just use fresh fibers and you spin or braid with fingers? Do you have any examples or links to resources for this process?
Also, I’m sure there are specific verities of flax that are better for fiber vs food right? Anyone know the best for both? I know with hemp there are some that are especially good for seeds and others for fiber and some for both. I’d love to have both for flax too.
I love this topic!!