Emma Renfro

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since Apr 27, 2024
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I'm 25 and have been wanting to be on a homestead with a man that I can trust and rely on and share my life with off grid or mostly off grid, whichever is more obtainable. I love vegetable and fruit gardening as well as woodworking and leatherworking, and my past hobbies, which I hope to be able to do again sooner than later, are archery, bushcrafting, rifle marksmanship, teaching wilderness survival skills, and hopefully being an archery instructor again. I do also like playing checkers, go fish, and the card game War.

I want to learn how to fish and hunt to skin a deer and process it to use every part possible for different projects such as making venison stew, crafting antlers into knife handles, flintknapping tools, tanning leather from the hide, making pouches and rawhide from the tanned leather, etc.

I also want to learn more about animal husbandry such as raising chickens and goats for eggs and goat milk, respectively. If you are interested in getting to know me more, please email me. My email is emma.renfro123@gmail.com
8 months ago
I'm a 25 yo Female who wants a serious long-term relationship with a 25 to 28 year old male and to homestead in Tarrant County, TX. I know there's not a lot of good land for homesteading in Tarrant County but I can't leave Tarrant County due to my second most recent ex accusing me of a crime that I never committed and I'm on probation until July 13, 2028 for defending myself against my ex and his two friends the day I broke up with him. I got on probation July 13, 2023 so I have a little less than 5 years of probation left 😞 I am mentally disabled and I do have 3 physical disabilities too but I don't let them stop me typically. I don't currently drive but I plan on learning how to soon. I also can't work a full-time job indoors and every outdoor job I can do, no one will hire me due to the charge I have on my record from my second most recent ex accusing me of the crime I never committed. My recent ex only broke up with me because I'm not his physical type. He said I didn't do anything wrong but he couldn't decide if he wanted to just be friends or date me after 7 months of us being together.
Anyway, I say all of this to inform any men who might be interested in me of my current situation and why I can't do outside of Tarrant County.
9 months ago