Marcelo Rodrigues

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since May 10, 2024
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Recent posts by Marcelo Rodrigues

Thank you Nancy! The PDF is being very helpful.
When I finally decide what to do I can post the results here for others' future reference.
Best regards!
4 months ago
Hi there!
I have this mango tree in my property. I guess the old owners didn't do the proper pruning and the tree grew skinny and tall, instead of more bushy and short. Now it's too tall for me to reach the fruits and I guess I will have a mess when the fruit season comes.
Can I still fix this tree? I marked on the picture below where I think I should cut, but I'm afraid to be too extreme and have an ugly monster instead of a still beautiful, although potentially messing, tree in front of my house.
Most of the branches are long. I'm considering cutting them in half or leaving 1/3 to make them open in several new ones. Does it make sense?
What do you guys suggest?
Thank you so much!

Intend to cut at the red marks

Seen from the back

Most branches are long and pointing up

4 months ago
I'm using Renogy products in a 12V, 2x200Wp, 2x100AH LiPeO4 with MPPT and inverter system for my tool shed. I use the system to pump water, charge tools, power devices, everything working very well so far.
I prefer to invest more than have headaches with cheap systems, so Renogy was a good choice, I think. Not the cheapest, but good quality.
My advice would be to better define your needs, down to the math: how much power you need, how long the batteries should last, peak hours, panels location, etc, etc... before checking any product on the market. Also, consider what kind of expansion you intend to do in the future, if you intend to have separate systems for different areas, or will integrate everything...
With a basic sketch and all your needs defined, you can make better choices.
Good luck!

10 months ago
Thank you Matt for the advice. It makes all the sense. If I just mix the materials before, the decomposing process will happen in the pot, which wouldn't be good for the roots.
I'll do as you suggested and compost what I won't use as mulch, then mixing the compost with my sandy soil.

Thanks again!
10 months ago
Hey there!
A lot is discussed about soil mixes. But I wonder if I could create viable soil to plant vegetables in planters (don't need to be perfect, just viable for most edible plants) based on materials I have available at our property in Florida:
- Grass clippings (I let them dry to use as mulch)
- Compost (made of grass clippings, kitchen scraps and weeds)
- Wood chips (from oak tree branches)
- Palm tree leaves chips (I chip the whole thing with a chipper)
- Cardboards (I can use the chipper to brake in pieces)
- Oak leaves (whole or chipped)
- Sand (we have a lot in FL)
Does anybody have any experience making soil mixes from materials like these? If so, which ones and what ratios were used?
I'm trying to be as self sufficient as possible and would like to avoid to buy stuff to make soil.
Thank you very much!
10 months ago