Barbara Chamberlain

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since May 13, 2024
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I noticed your ad is a bit old so checking to see if you're still looking for some help out in Montana. Montana is where my husband and I plan to end up to spend those golden years we hear so much about. It's just the 2 of us along with our 2 pups. Kina is actually a herding dog and for some weird reason she likes to herd me if I walk farther away then she's ok with. We have been making plans to go off grid for years but it seems like something with the family or finances always interferes. We finally got ahead financially last year but unexpectedly lost our son which has drained our finances and brought about a pain I never knew existed. Things are slowly getting better emotionally but we are raising our pup along with the sweet pup, Ocean our son left in our trust. We are stuck in a place in Wyoming with a much too small yard for the pups to be able to run like they should and we've dreamed of off grid living for so very long. We were able to live of grid on some land we rented years ago and absolutely loved it until the owners sold it out from under us. If you've got the space we'd love to be considered and we both have many skills.
8 months ago