Guillaume Dube

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since Jun 19, 2024
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Recent posts by Guillaume Dube

Benjamin Dinkel wrote:Hi guillaume and welcome to Permies!
In theory your plan works and I’m sure you could figure it out somehow, depending on your plumbing abilities. But water heaters involve a bunch of technology and I’m not sure if it’s an easy or cheap way to heat your garage. Or necessarily the safest.
Have you considered building a rocket mass heater in your garage?
Why do you want to heat a garage in the first place?
Are your measurements feet?

Alright thank you everyone! I guess i’ll find an other way to heat my garage. I want to heat it so during winter i can work on my cars and i don’t want to have to go to the garage and start a fire every time i want to go work in the garage.. i want it to always be heated.
8 months ago
Hello! First time posting here. Im trying to find a cheap way to heat my 20x40 garage. I bought a wood furnace for my house and was maybe thinking about using a copper coil around the chimney and a rad in the garage to heat it up. I’m not sure if that would work so that’s why im asking you guys. The idea is when im heating the house with the furnace i turn the pump on so water/glycol flow around the chimney then goes to the rad and heat up the garage. The garage is about 65' from the house. I would bury the pex piping in the ground. Would i be able to get the heat up in the garage or that’s too far away? I made a beautiful sketch😂 Any idea or tips?
8 months ago