Lary Lin

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since Jul 05, 2024
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Recent posts by Lary Lin

Should we go visit her right the next day after the rehoming? Or not to be around during the first days? We were planning on going there right the next morning after rehoming
6 months ago
Thank you all very much for the warm and kind words. You made us feel way better. We are still worried about her first days there. All she knows - is us... now taking her to a completely different place with a lot of creatures she has never seen before (goats... she never met any). Will they accept her? And what will happen at night? Im sure she might cry and be so stressed. And we won't be there for her! Heartbreaking just to imagine it!!!

Wow, we better prepare ourselves for a very emotional process. It's going to be difficult for both her and for us
6 months ago
Thank you.
It is very difficult for me and my family. She is like a family member, been her since she was born. Are we doing the right thing? I cannot imagine how emotional the process will be.
6 months ago
Dear friends, thank you all very much for your help. But I think there is no solution to this problem - because a period of adjustment might certainly be enough for our neighbord to report us. We are in a city, I am not sure we are even allowed to have goats. Having 2 is too risky. So ...I am thinking of taking her to one of my friends who raises goats. He lives about 30 mins driving. He said I can go and visit her when I want. It's either this or buying a new goat and putting us all in risk of being reported. Or leaving her alone which is not an option. What do you think? For us, it will be extremely difficult dince we raised her since she was born. But maybe going sonetimed to visit her might make it easier. For now she us suffering alone.
I literally have tears
But I feel this is the best for her.
6 months ago
Thank you for your helpful comment!
The are two reasons we are concerned if we get another one -
1. Will our goat really stop screaming if we get her a friend? Will she consider the new goat as her friends and will stop crying? Becsuse right now - I (specifically I) mean the world to her. She doesnt show any happiness without me. So how can we know a new goat will be the solution? If it doesnt stop screaming, we achieved nothing. Again, our neighbors might complain.
2. The new goat night scream too. Resulting in two SCREAMING goats at night! Our neighbors might be MAD!

How can we take such risks? At least one screaming goat is less risky.
We really don't know what to do.  
6 months ago
We got a female goat about 7 months ago. She was about two weeks old. We didn't want a goat but got one, long story. Anyway, we raised it, bottle fed it and brought it home to sleep at night. So far - for six months!!! She is VERY attached to me. Very needy about me. Towards the other people in the house - she doesnt. Only about me. She would drink from the bottle only if I hold it and whould be quiet when only when its me specifically around. Now, it has become EXTREMELY difficult for both us and her that she sleeps in the house. The thing is - every day 2 hours before dark, she starts screaming and wouldnt stop unless I go out to her. We really want to get her another one, but if its not going to stop her from crying in the evening - its not helping us at all. We have nrighbors and they might complain any moment. We can buy another one only if we know it will stop her from crying.  She never met other goats so we also dont know what the reaction would be. Please help us!!
6 months ago