We got a female goat about 7 months ago. She was about two weeks old. We didn't want a goat but got one, long story. Anyway, we raised it, bottle fed it and brought it home to sleep at night. So far - for six months!!! She is VERY attached to me. Very needy about me. Towards the other people in the house - she doesnt. Only about me. She would drink from the bottle only if I hold it and whould be quiet when only when its me specifically around. Now, it has become EXTREMELY difficult for both us and her that she sleeps in the house. The thing is - every day 2 hours before dark, she starts screaming and wouldnt stop unless I go out to her. We really want to get her another one, but if its not going to stop her from crying in the evening - its not helping us at all. We have nrighbors and they might complain any moment. We can buy another one only if we know it will stop her from crying. She never met other goats so we also dont know what the reaction would be. Please help us!!