Dear Aaron.
Thank you so much for explaning all this to me, a newcomer and beginner.
All I have today is what I read and some earth and straw workshops.
In 2025 I hope to beging my house, only 66 years young !
Today I live in a concrete house with hugh windows and bays east west,
the opposite of what you and everyone recommends
However the west wall is shaded by big oak trees and the eat has a veranda so
the sun does not hit the inner walls.
However I took away the ceiling when we moved into the house and I changed the
roof insulation with now 12 inches of wood fiber to protect agains the heat.
The double roof, yes, that is a very good idea, thank you.
The funny thing is that when I read about all these very ecological houses on the net,
during a heat swell, they talk about 79°F.
This is what I have in my home today with 100°F outside this week.
So it seems to me that we cannot do much naturally to improve the temperatures
when the night stays around 70-74°F.
From what I understand, the real heavy beautiful cob is only good for areas
where the night temperatures drop substantially. I also did a rammed earth
workshop but althogh quite easy technically, it is heavy work.
I wonder if I should make my futur houses walls of slipclay and woodchips
20 inches thick to give it the best ? or would that not really do anything agains
the summer heat ?
So you are right from what I also read about your recommendations for est/west,
openings to the south for the winter however, I am not so keen on large overhead
protections because you loose the light into the house during the in between seasons.
I would rather come up with some temporary shading structures for the only 3 months
of the summer here, mid-june to mid-september, and then let all the sun into the house.
The large overhead protections will interfere with sun striking into the house in late
april-may and late september-october.
Another idea I have is to install for best light inside the house during the off season,
big west and east windows and also big roof windows, VELUX and construct during
the hot season some custom made "double insulation"
to put on top of these windows and roof VELUX because the standard outside VELUX
shade is not efficient enough and also very expensive.
Thank you for the air conditionning recommendation but oh, I don't like it
but you are right, this might be an option when getting older
Perhpaps I should just dig a big underground room in the garden where I can go
and stay when afternoons goes into the 120°F, luckily we are not there yet !
And you are right, the only natural cooling possibility that we have is the
underground but the land is flat where I will build so I think that this is not an option,
otherwise it must be a great option to put parts of the house underground.
The canadien or provencial well would be another possibility
but it is rather complicated to maintain, and I wonder about humidity coming up
into the house from such a well as this installation gets older,
Thank you so much for your input, this is a great forum.
Best Regards, Raymond