Kristi Carter

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since Aug 16, 2024
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Recent posts by Kristi Carter

Hey Zeke! I have a homestead in Interior Alaska. I visit Kenai frequently. Hit me up if you'd like to chat.
1 month ago
👋 Hello.
    I'm Kristi. 44F. I have a 10 acre offgrid homestead in Interior Alaska. I'm a meat eater that raises animals for that purpose. I'm a hard headed, independent type, looking for someone to share this experience of life.  Homesteading and being self sufficient are my passion. I am a single mom with lots of animals, chores and work so I already have a lot of draw on my attention and time. I'm looking for a man that doesn't have too high of demands on those 2 things. I want to be in a partners life without being their ENTIRE life. 😊
1 month ago
Hi Jake. What part of AK are you in?  I'm 44 offgrid on 10 acres in Salcha outside of Fairbanks.
1 month ago