Amy Royce

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since Sep 02, 2024
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Mother to a toddler boy, wife to a software engineer husband & a truly artistic woman in many ways. I love to create each day to flow with an intention & allow the rest to follow. I started Sunday Skill Shares in our town August of 2024 & love hosting these gatherings. Now I am tackling the adventure of pep 1 & 2, while also outlining the seed planting/spring garden plans. I am teachable & willing to learn from y’all who have lots to share! Anyone international, specifically in Costa Rica, Argentina, Mexico, I’d love to build a relationship with you! Id love to connect on WhatsApp, Social Media &/or email!
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Northfield, MN, USA
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Recent posts by Amy Royce

I appreciate your share. I would stay in the red cabin with my husband and 2 ish year young son. This sounds perfect!

Julia Winter wrote:My husband and I stayed in the red cabin in February and it was lovely. The pebble bench goes right under your feet when you are in bed - toasty toes! I usually have cold feet and I sleep in thick wool socks. I had to take off my socks in the wee hours of the morning.
There's a bunk over the double bed, so a kid could sleep up there.
The rocket mass heater has a helmet head, making it look like a cartoon character to me:

paul wheaton wrote:Somebody sent email to staff and then one of the staff sent it to me and i am gonna try to answer some of the questions ...

How far are the out houses from that cabin?

We have two willow feeders near the red cabin.  The closer of the two is willow bank - about 80 yards?

is there a place on the land for Internet?

For the red cabin, yes.  We all share one starlink.  There is also cell service at the red cabin.

There is then some stuff about which cabin.  I really think the smart thing to do is to pick one ...   the red cabin is the most popular ...   and give it a try.  And then you kinda get the lay of the land and can contemplate the other cabins.  

Yes these were my emailed in questions. Thank you! I am learning the most effective way to communicate on here, and connect with y’all. Paul- we would like to get a month on the calendar for our family of 3 in the red cabin. As long as my husband can have internet, that is absolutely wonderful. My son and I just need nature to feel our best each day really, simple life. What would be the best next step for us to move forward, reserve time & all?

paul wheaton wrote:Julianne visited and made a video:

I would love to get in contact with someone about a few questions. We would love to have the 3 of us (my husband, our 2 ish year son & myself) out at the Wheaton land, stay in the red cabin or others for a month. My husband does run a business “from home” so I was curious about Internet access for him. We would really enjoy the time & I am home fulltime with our son, creating, growing, building, homemaking and such. I have done a lot within the permies site to dive in, connect & take some actions on more badges/organizing it all.
I would love to conenct on the microschool point- thats a desire of mine with our land. we are in Minnesota currently. I run a small nature gathering group weekly as well as Skill Share Sundays. I will message you. lets connect on social media or via whatsApp/text
1 month ago
Liv- I am trying to find the way to view this. I got signed up, yet there is no schedule or anything. Can you help me?
1 month ago
I am wanting to connect, here or whatsApp. I know many in other countries use that and I do here in Minnesota as well with many others. Our family is looking to visit Costa Rica, Argentina, Mexico and a few other places in the next few months to do some research on what place we would like to move. We have a 2 1/2 year son, 2 beautiful wild & fun bengals & have been married for a few years now. Go Royce family! Please consider this opportunity to teach our family what you know, share experiences in Costa Rica and the community all around.
1 month ago
Hello community! It seems this is a group communicating about Costa Rica and I am wanting to talk directly to anyone who is there, lives there, has before, has connections etc. Thank you!
1 month ago
Hello, wonderful permaculture-minded folks!

Our family is on a mission to find the one person—or maybe a few—who can help us connect with the right land and opportunity. We’re looking for a self-sustaining property, ideally in Costa Rica, Argentina, Mexico, or anywhere in the Central Time Zone (including the U.S.).

Our dream is to create a home where we can raise horses, cats, and lots of kids (we have one for now, with hopes for more!). We envision a space where we can cultivate permaculture principles, build a thriving homestead, and be surrounded by a like-minded community.

If you, or someone you know, has land, leads, or insights on finding the right place, we’d love to connect! Feel free to comment or send us a message—we can’t wait to hear from you.

With gratitude,
Amy Royce & Family
I am glad to have done some deep dives on the various links/topics on the left side of the permies website here. I found a few things on international community as well as this. I am bummed I missed today, yet am oh so excited to join in and be a part of tomorrow. Thank you for posting! How can I stay connected and continue to follow and connect?!
1 month ago
Anne Miller- curious about thing we can do to repurpose the over abundance of snow? Is it okay to take inside, melt, use etc.? OR is it best to keep outside for the animals, plants and need for moisture in the ground for the spring season.?
1 month ago