Cole Green

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since Sep 05, 2024
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Hello! I live in a small, off-grid community on a remote island in Southeast Alaska. If you're not familiar, the vibe here is more similar to western Washington or Oregon than what you would normally picture when you hear Alaska. We do get some snow here, but it doesn't stick around for very long as it's rarely below freezing.

What it's like living here

Like I said, I live on a remote, Alaskan island. I own a little over 6 acres of mature rainforest on a hillside right next to the beach. In the morning I wake up to the cries of bald eagles and seagulls. From the beach you can sometimes see whales breaching in the bay.
In the early mornings, while having a coffee, I like watching the fog creep up my hillside - everything just looks absolutely magical. After the fog burns off, you can see some awesome mountains in the distance.

There's not that many people on the island and the majority of them live a few miles away from me so the privacy is unmatched.

When I said rainforest I wasn't joking it rains pretty consistently here. People think of Seattle as a rainy place but even if you doubled the rainfall Seattle gets you still wouldn't even be close to how much we get up here. I'm sitting here with my small wood stove burning listening to the rain drops bounce off my roof and it is unbelievably peaceful but not many can handle that much water.

My day to day

Life here is really relaxed and laid back. I tried the fast-paced corporate job for a while and it just wasn't for me. My life here gives so much more variety in my day to day that I appreciate wholeheartedly.

My mornings are pretty routine - I like to start my morning with some caffeine then go work out in my home (cabin) gym. After that is highly variable.

Some days I get in a building mood and use my chainsaw mill to build cabins and outbuildings. Some days I like to go out and pick berries or catch and can salmon. Some days I like to go on a long hike and see if I can get to a cool lake or stream or a cave.

Some days I like to just listen to the rain fall and play a video game with my friends. I have a half decent solar system and internet access so that's no problem!

About my personality

While I love running my chainsaw or working on my jeep and lifting weights, I'm not your traditional tough Alaskan man. I'm more of a soft, sensitive dude and more than man enough to admit it I love learning all about different plants and animals and try my best to drive around slugs in the road.

I don't care about money or status. I view money as a means to get other people to do things you are not willing to do yourself and since starting this journey I've become more and more capable of providing for my own needs.

I am highly independent to a fault. I have to go out of my way to make others feel needed.

I am not religious but don't care if you are.

I rarely ever drink and don't do any drugs.

What I want from you

I want someone who wants to make my life easier. That means resilience in the face of adversity and a generally positive attitude.

I would like someone young like me! I'm looking for somebody in good physical shape who is willing to get out and trudge through the mud in the pouring rain just to look at some cool rocks or a cool fish.

I would prefer no children. Nothing against them, I'm just not ready for that quite yet.

Something I'm thinking about

I would love someone who enjoys talking about ideas. I've noticed that there are two types of people who live out here: people who are more social and community oriented and those who are more isolationist and more focused on their individual goals. Everyone has a mix of these personality traits and there is more than enough opportunity to satisfy both kinds of people out here but I'm more of an idea guy than a people guy and have more fun in those kinds of conversations. Maybe there should be some kind of balance though? Maybe someone with proclivities in the opposite direction would balance me out and vice versa? Is balance even something to want here? What do you think?
4 months ago