Jonathan Jackson

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since Sep 21, 2024
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Jay Angler wrote:

Jonathan Jackson wrote:I was told these are straight run ducks,

When someone says, "straight run chicks" it means they haven't been sorted for sex, at least where I live (Canada). So that means you could have 4 boys, 4 girls, or a mix, regardless of what probability says. Here, it means nothing about the breed, although they appear to likely be the standard Pekin white duck.

Yes that's what I assume for here too 😂. That's what I tried to tell my daughter is until they are sexed she can't name them cause we could have 4 Fred's or 4 Wilma's or a mix.
4 months ago
The day the ducklings were brought home. Good use of soaking tub in master bathroom 😂 in the brand new house.
4 months ago
Thank you will definitely check it out. I'm starting out with a pen I bought that I think is a good start but the believe they only supply poultry netting. I plan on using that then goin back around and over it with more heavy duty metal fencing. As far as a pool area I probably won't go very big eventually the are around them will be fenced in and I will be able to let them free range during day a little more when that happens I plan on giving them more of a swimming hole persay lol. I was told these are straight run ducks, I'm not sure if it goes by region or not we are in north Mississippi.
4 months ago
So new here and daughter convinced us to get ducklings. Right now soaking tub in master bathroom is brooder, thank god for pee pads. Here is my question we have foxes, Coyotes, and several other predators that would love a nice juicy duck. I have an enclosure I'm building for when they are big enough to go outside that will be completely wrapped in wire sides and top also have a partial area that will have top for sun protection. It is 10' wide and 20' long. Have a concrete pad that I can fit two of the enclosures on one for ducks with there only little pool and another for chickens. So now that I've painted the picture what bedding should I put on the concrete to protect there feet and in the there actual coop that I will secure them in at night for safety reasons. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking deep litter system just not sure best material to use. I have no issue mucking out as needed.
4 months ago