Zoe Darling

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since Oct 14, 2024
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Heyy all,
My name is zoe, I have a small homestead in central Maine with goats, chickens, beautiful gardens and a few pet rabbits.
I’m 25
Christian (non denominational) but rarely get to physically attend church. But my faith is the most important thing to me.
I work as a barn caretaker at a friends farm for a couple hours every morning and I occasionally work at a local consignment shop.
My goal is to eventually be self sufficient and have lots of feral farm babies. (As we as many other things)

I want to stay where I am now, I live on over 100 acres of family land and it would break my heart to leave it.
And that’s where I’ve run into dating problems, I love where I live too much and few men will even consider it.
Ideally I would love to chat (potentially more) with Christian men between the ages of 24-35
3 months ago