Hi all,
I'm new to the Bitterroot Valley since last July. I have been around permaculture since 2008, when I met Becky Elder from Pikes Peak Permaculture. I got my PDC in Ohio in 2021. I am Dutch, still a Dutch citizen, but have lived in the US since 1989. A challenge is that we move around. My husband is a pastor, and we move every few years. I try to bring sustainability wherever I am and in whatever I do, and wish to regenerate the land and ourselves with it. I started many gardens and then left them, not knowing what will happen.
This house in Stevensville has the biggest garden I've had. It has an old apple tree that was riddled with worms last summer. I threw all the apples away, so hopefully, it'll do better. I've named the tree 'Mac.' There are raspberries along one fence, and I'd get a handful every other day or so. Hops are growing along another fence and a wild rose. I've planted two apricot trees, softneck garlic (gift from local gardener), strawberries, mint, sunflowers, and many flowers in the front. We got a new front deck and I spent time cleaning out concrete and weeds, then got a new load of mulch on everything.
I started vermicomposting last fall. It's a small bin so the worms can handle about half of our kitchen scraps -- I cook a lot. Last week, the spaghetti squash seeds sprouted in the bin

This year, I plan to build a couple of raised covered beds and hope to grow pumpkins in the front yard in a few beds. Our church started a preschool and daycare, and I thought it would be fun for the kids to come water and pick pumpkins in the fall.
I am developing an ecospiritual framework to help environmental activists find grounding and renewal as a team or individual. I've seen many activists burn out, including myself. I hope to lead the first workshop this spring of 2025. These will be spiritual activities in nature, with nature. If you're interested, drop me a note.