Great podcast. Intentional community is near and dear to my heart and has been in our thought/planning stages for years. We have kicked around various ideas, including one that much resembles a team with a coach, or in our case coaches...somebody/ies who kind of steer the ship. We would consider this a working community, where everyone is expected to do some form of work to the value of the community as a whole. For instance, I love to cook, but S hates to cook, G likes it a little, etc. I would be the cook for 20 meals per week, G will cook one night a week (and would be considered the back-up cook when needed), S and a couple others like to clean up after meals, as long as they do not have to cook. We have considered all areas of our homesteading community in this manner, covering each area with a coach/es who has passion and knowledge in that area. Not perfect by any means, but I believe we are headed in the right direction...for us.