Karin Lacy

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since Sep 25, 2010
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Dome Village Katrina

1-page flyer

Co-Creators Wanted

Summer 2010

Dear fellow travelers;
Awhile back while surfing the Internet I came across an old advertisement from a Londoner Newspaper from the year 1912 which read:

"Men Wanted for hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful, honor and recognition in case of success." Ernest Shackleton, Antarctic Explorer.
It is said he received 5,000 applications.

Now consider that it is now almost one hundred years later. Not only are the icecaps melting but massive changes, geological, social, economic, are everywhere underway. We are awaiting the mysterious year 2012, an anniversary of creation, foretold as the Shift of the Ages.

I am a German Immigrant who was guided to come to America. I am presently living in Chico, California. My next spiritual assignment as a self-proclaimed Lightworker for America is the manifestation of Dome Village Katrina. Two years ago I put an ad on some Internet places. My text said:

"Wanted: Awakened Indigo Children with a Passion for Bringing Heaven down to Earth. Why?: For the Manifestation of Dome Village Katrina in Northern California.
I am looking for four young people, minimum age 21, who want to join me for a one-year apprenticeship program for the creation of a new entrepreneur occupation as a New Community Builder. - We will build a cluster of five earth-bag dome homes plus a community dome. This model of a small, self-sufficient community is intended to snowball in rural areas. We will operate on a non-profit, humanitarian platform. The motto for foresight-project "Dome Village Katrina" is the Buckminster Fuller vision statement: "To make the world work for 100 % of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone."

I did get occasional response letters, however, so far nobody seriously interested showed up. So I put this assignment on the back burner and focused on other things on my list.

Since I am presently re-creating my website to refresh my Lightworker store-front, I want to make a new attempt at gathering my four co-apprentices by posting this one- page flyer on my blog.
My above ad text is still valid.

I invite you — not to a hazardous journey in cold darkness — but to an adventure in the Light, by walking the path of ascension in a core group of five. We will manifest Dome Village Katrina through applying the Law of Attraction according to the Abraham teachings. In practicing the new paradigm we will be living in the frequency range of the 5th dimension.
Requirement for applicants is to read my ebook "Potty Training for Indigo Children" — see my website at www.KarinLLightworker.com — since Dome Village Katrina is the spin-off project of my book. After reading the book you will know whether you want to be part of this project or not. If you are unable to purchase the ebook through my website I can email it to you as a gift.

Only after reading the book and only if you feel a strong calling to be part of this spiritual undertaking write me a detailed letter about yourself and your intentions for becoming a New Community Builder.
Please also read the letters on my website under "Dome Village Katrina."
Especially I would like to attract members of my tribe of origin, those of the Promethean Spirit. "Being on a mission as passionate humanitarians" is our trademark.
Our purpose is to live as mapmakers and wayshowers and to bring to fruition the seeds that those who came before us have planted. This is how we anchor our power as conscious creators on planet Earth.
The time for a new beginning is now! I'm looking forward to welcome you!

Vibe high — journey joyfully!
Karin Lacy, Lightworker
14 years ago