I've been campaigning for Bernie Sanders, so I've had a lot of interaction with strangers lately. I've been amazed at how little people listen--that's why Bernie has been repeating the message for 30 years and people are slowly beginning to listen.
With that insight in mind, I am repeating my earlier post:
Gee, folks. I didn't real all the suggestions for Paul, but I'm a little shocked that so many permaculturists that believe that everything is connected didn't point out the obvious and that is Paul's weight. (I'm carrying an extra 15 pounds in my belly and have corresponding lower back pain, so I understand.) Just as the natural organic soil determines the health of the tree (not chemical fertilizers or pesticides), the same principle applies to Paul. His body is clearly not happy and he needs to change his diet.
I might add exercise.
Most of us love Paul because he talks straight, calls a spade a spade, etc. Sooo....
Hey Paul, you're too FAT!
Many of the other posts are equivalent to spraying water on aphids. Yes, it relieves the symptoms, but a citrus tree that is not stressed should be able to protect itself from aphids alone. Again, back to healthy organic soil. Backpain is just the symptom of a systemic problem.
Where is the whole permaculture systems thinking on solving this problem?
Don Eggleston