Joe Pacific

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since Mar 02, 2011
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Recent posts by Joe Pacific

There's no question that outdoor cats have a strong negative affect on bird populations. Quick ABC news article from 2011 I found below:

Of course, you can do what you wish, but do realize that the rodent control you achieve with a feline comes at what I consider to be a great cost. I love cats, but I'm with Bill on this one; In most situations I think there are better alternatives to be found for rodent control. In permaculture, we are meant to be stewards of the environment, and letting little fluffy decimate the local bird population doesn't seem to be compatible with this idea.
12 years ago
According to one website, the heat capacity of "sandy clay" is 1381 J/kgC, while "wet mud" is 2512. I doubt anyone has done a formal test for cob. Either way, it's a lot less than water. I can't imagine water would weigh much more than cob, but I wouldn't be the best one to ask. Water would be a superior thermal mass when looking at the numbers, but I imagine dealing with a liquid for a RMH has some heavy disadvantages too.

13 years ago
I guess only a small handful of people were interested in this? I'll keep it up for a little while just in case latecomers show up. I'll keep an eye on this board, so if you're reading this 6 months from now and want the files, post a message and I'll start seeding.

Anyone also interested in the videos? 
13 years ago
Hi Everyone,

I was downloading/uploading this at work (shhh ) and when I left Friday afternoon, it was at 30-something %. I left it on overnight, so hopefully it finished downloading, but I ended up remotely shutting down my computer sometime Saturday afternoon. When I get back to work tomorrow, I'll start seeding again (500kbs upload, should help out quite a bit).
13 years ago
Yay, it's finally downloading for me, very exciting. 
13 years ago
It works when you rename the file to .torrent, but it looks like it's the same as the rapidshare file (in other words, both work).

You are seeding, Sam is downloading, and I am downloading, but we can't see each other. Vibrant, I'm guessing the issue now has to do with routers/firewalls. Which torrent program are you using to seed? Sometimes this firewall problem can be overcome by making sure you are using UPnP (which helps open specific connections so that outsiders trying to access what you are sharing through bittorrent can "see" you)

I bet I'll be able to connect to you at home, where I can control the router settings, but here at work I'm most likely behind too many firewalls.
13 years ago
We might all be behind firewalls, and so can't talk to each other (I don't see you Sam). Google docs might be worth looking into for sure.
13 years ago
I've got it loaded up in my bittorrent queue but it's not downloading yet (perhaps vibrant is offline).

I've never used bitlet, but yeah you might try using a traditional bittorrent program (once again I recommend utorrent) to download.
13 years ago
Hmm, you could try renaming the file extension as ".txt", and then everyone who downloads it from here can change the the extension back to ".torrent".

Alternatively, you could try a file sharing site like and post the file there.
13 years ago
The tracker is most definitely udp, and if you load it in your web browser it should not go anywhere.

I'm not at my computer right now (on cell phone) but I believe the torrent file should get created when you are finished adding the files, tracker, etc, and should be located in the folder containing all the files.

Then it's just a matter of posting the torrent file as an attachment here.

Thanks again
13 years ago