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Takuan Soho

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since Apr 09, 2011
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I am not sure how torrents work (i.e. where the files are stored - people's own computers it seems vs. a central location - or how that little ".torrent" file gets you to the larger file, or if all of the various torrent programs are compatible) but my program "Transmission" on Linux shows that I've been downloading since last night sometime, that I'm at almost 62%, I'm downloading from 2 of 2 connected peers (does that mean two people are sharing their file with me?) and that I have four hours to go.  I hope this is of some help.

Are all torrent programs compatible or connected (I'm not sure of what technical words to use to mean: "does my program know to look everywhere for this file)?  Like I said, I am using "Transmission" on Linux and it apparently knew where to look for the original connect (I started out with one peer) but then found the second one recently.  So somehow these programs know where to look to find others who are sharing this file.  So basically, I'm not sure why Vuse didn't show my 62% and the other two that appear to have the entire file.  Nor why you'd have to search for it again.

Wish I knew this.  lol.
13 years ago
Downloading!  Thank you!   

After downloading I will keep it available for a while just in case.

Thanks again!
13 years ago
Ok, maybe I don't understand the terminology.  I would like to download the file(?).  I already have that little txt file renamed to .torrent (is that correct?). And I double clicked on it, that started my torrent program and it looks like it is waiting to download....  Am I doing something wrong or did I misspeak?

13 years ago
This stuff looks very interesting.  Mind if I get a seed?

Thanks for making it available and the seed!

I run Linux so I should be up for a while in case someone else wants a copy...however, I'm new
to torrents and may not be doing it correctly. 
13 years ago