malus wrote:
and there are also few of the Busha cattle in Dalmatia left. Don't forget about us.Main strong point of Busha breed is resistance to diseases, and they can thrive in marginal land where other breeds could not succeed. Milk is of exceptional quality; more than 8% milk fat. In Dalmatia percentage of milk fat with these breed averaged around 9%.
zemljak wrote:
I have 13 cows of busa breed. They are small cows living with us since neolithic times. Their height is not more then 110 cm and weight around 250kg (bulls 350kg) and they give 4-9l of milk daily (with 8% of fat). They are extremly rare with cca 400 left. They are very modest animals that could be compared to goats when it comes to food.
Last month I struck my luck to get one of the last of its kind Tiger busa bull!!! This beauty weights only 330kg and unfortunately it is one of the last that exist. We hope to save it from extinction!