Trey Rust

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since Aug 02, 2011
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I'm in Georgia, of course I have almost nothing but red soil here too.

But this stuff is about 50/50 clay/sand, is it really that different were you are? You should definitely do a bottle shake test. I did it and thought it was all red clay, but after looking closely that was just a little bit of clay still on the sand, and it turned out to be about 50/50
13 years ago
And what about sand or sandstone filters?
13 years ago
I found this in looking for a simplier solution to rainwater purification:

I'm quite skeptical... But I would much rather a simple inline solution, vs some of the other systems that are used.

Does anyone know of a simpler solution to, say something like this?

Just wanna know my options before I go into real complicated stuff...

13 years ago