Saino Moore

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since Aug 20, 2011
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no, have not seen it flower at all, just produces the lil' nodes in the picture. I have looked online and can't find anything, but looking thru the tons of plants out there takes time.
13 years ago
Some of the plants on our property I have no idea what they are, actually most of them lol as I am new to even paying attention to plants. Not going to post all of them at once but will try to keep it in this thread. We are in NC just north of the SC border, Kings Mountain if ya wanna google earth it. This one I am attaching is a stand alone bush in the middle of the side yard, gets lots of sun all day long and looks dead most of the year. I have done nothing to any of the plants in the yard except cutting the grass. I want to start to learn to prune and mulch but want to make sure the plants are things I want to keep and know of their uses. Thanks in advance for any info on this bush.
13 years ago
I was born in NC and raised in florida, most of my life has been apartment living. My wife and I moved to NC in 07 and now I have a yard. .9 acres. I have never grown anything, but am watching videos on youtube to learn and discovered you guys. I have checked into different things, like hydroponics, and other growing methods. So far permaculture has the most allure to me because I believe nature does things for a reason. I will be happy to answer any questions but don't know a lot yet. My first task is to get together pictures of the different plants I have on the property and see if I can ID them, determine what is useful and what is mulch fodder. I sadly have already discovered some poison ivy or oak, not sure which. Hope you guys don't mind questions, and I hope to add to the community. Thanks for having me.
13 years ago