john gault

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since Aug 30, 2011
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Recent posts by john gault

Look up hanging rock state park in north carolina. I am about 15 minutes from there.
11 years ago
High guys i already have a start to your ideas. i have about 15 acres on one plot of land were i live and about 4 more with 4 small homes on it . I would be interested in finding people interested in a partnership. I will let interested people rent a home for the first year to make sure you are compatible to the situation. I have a three year old orchard two nice creeks, fishing, greenhouse in place. i have strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, gojo berries, and persimen trees. also grapes and muscidines. there are so many opertunities as well. I can also help you find a local job to get you started as well. As long as you help with the garden and preservation, you will eat well. i usauly plant around 4 acres. i have 25 chickens and getting other animals soon. thanks for reading.
11 years ago
I want to grow hops in North Carolina. How much sun to shade ratio do you guys recommend?
I have found a Awsome property in North Carolina. It is 52 acres with a large creek and pond. It is totally raw. No one has lived on it since 1968. I am currently trying to come up with the funding to purchase it. Also thinking about.ymaybe going in with ogre people to do a joint effort. It is is in zone 7 with a great growing season. In this zone you can get almost two crops a year. This property is 90 percent woods.
13 years ago
What area of the country do you want to start this in? Have you learned alot about no till Farming? I am new to this style farming and wanting to learn more.
13 years ago
Funny how books written over 50 years ago show us what the world is coming to be. She was a great visionary.
13 years ago
I would so mix h love to know more about you.
13 years ago