Paul, I first heard of Hugelkultur last night through a blog I read every few days. It linked to a thread where others were discussing their success, tips and ideas on hugelkultur. I spent 2 hours reading and skimming through 17 pages and made up my mind to try it in my own small garden, on a much smaller scale. I only grow herbs and veg, I do not have much room and want to try to do more with the space I have. I love the name, it's intriguing and old world and speaks to me of my European farming ancestors. I came back this afternoon and read more and signed up to join this forum because of the wealth of people and information and ideas - and the general good attitude of folks in here. I will be sharing this with sustainability, urban homesteading, organic gardening bloggers I check in with both on their sites and on Facebook. I will share this will all my gardening friends, my local AG Extension office and local conservation organizations - there's one in my town. Our state just held our Farm Show week in the capital and I wish I had known about this yesterday when I was there, I could have brought it up with the farmers. The folks at The Farm in Tennessee must know about this already and Plenty should also know. I have some emails to write.
If one person could be turned in less than 24 to try it and share the information, then you will get your 50 only take a while.
Ah, and I agree with you about the effing lightbulbs and the greenwashing of Joe and Jane Public.