Hello my name is Sean. I am 29 years old and live in Pen Argyl not far from Bethlehem. I bought a foreclosed 1892 farmhouse last year that came with a couple acres. I am mostly interested in growing unusual fruits and veggies. I planted a Che melon tree this year, pawpaws, figs, and persimmons. I am also interested in timber type chestnuts...I only have the dustan variety now but looking into the Hershey selections and layeroka. I also put in a 40x20 ft veggie garden. My gf also lives with me but her passion is raising and breeding animals of all sorts. This year we have acquired chickens, ducks, 2 goats, 3 sheep, and 1 pig. One of the biggest challenges I have faced this year was trying to fence all these guys in and to keep them from eating my plants. Unfortunately I lost a nectarine tree recently to my male goat 😥. Glad to see I am not alone in this part of the world. I have been lurking on this forum since the early 2010s.