Pamela Stumpf

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since Nov 28, 2013
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I am not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this question, feel free to move or delete
I was doing an inspection of the home, on the property I am in the process of purchasing, and saw what I have since identified as termite swarm. (This is yet to be verified.) I googled the treatments and all the top answers so far are nasty insect killing (this means bees too) chemicals. One little bit mentioned ground water contamination too. So, as the water supply is a private well, this is also of grave concern to me.

Anyone have experience with termite control, or dealing with these chemical residues?

Any info or help much appreciated.

Side note: From what I understand, Virginia, USA has a termite problem, so everyone around here thinks it's normal and probably use aforementioned chemicals without question.
9 years ago
I changed everything* about a year ago. First, no sugar or sweetners, at all! Then, only organics, and only vegan. I am just now slowly adding foods. Not saying what I did would work for you, but I am in much better health. I still don't eat grains, and few beans. I usually steam the greens (kale and spinach) a little, and I seem to digest those easier. I added red cabbage to my juicing drink for the morning and I think that helped a lot, but time will tell. Good luck to you and I hope you can find some answers soon to your distress.
9 years ago
Back in S. Dakota they called it Dakota coal. I s'pose fer on cold, cold nights when the firewood ran out. The kids were delegated to gather it up. (Could be a myth )
9 years ago
yah, I'll be tagging along. I have a couple other books in progress and a ton more (one of which is this one) on my stack of 'next'. I may be silently lurking company. Glad you have this going, it is great motivation.
10 years ago
Back in the day, I faced a choice about a relationship too. (Not the same issues exactly) I picked up some advice that has helped me many times. Basically: There are 3 ways to be in relation; 1) In, 2) Out, and 3) Wait. 'In' is fairly evident. You are IN, going for it, and giving your all. (Think of a tennis game and how you play the game) When you are IN, you are not sitting on the sidelines... 'Out', is also fairly obvious decision. Out means just that, you are out, no need for fiddling around, move on. Now number 3 is the tricky one- 'Wait'. This is not recommended, but if you are choosing 'wait', then give yourself some guidelines. Answer this: What am I waiting for, and how long am I willing to wait. Give yourself a short time to live in 'wait', for example, 1 month. Then at the end of the designated time, assess the situation. Be wary of continuing the 'wait' routine. Best wishes to you for a happy and healthful life. You and your children deserve love and safety to grow.
10 years ago
yes, I am interested. More details please. I'd like to look at it on Google maps and assess the surroundings. I am looking for a retirement/food forest property. Thanks
10 years ago
I've signed up and I'm soooo excited. I've been through all the Intro vids twice , now going through again and taking notes. Surprisingly I did miss some things! I've also been reviewing the Resource vids. Those are great!
Looks like my brother wants me to come out and take a look at his property, lol, I haven't even done much on the course yet, but, I've noticed, people get the message, and keep it in their mind about more sustainable and nutritous food. I was scolding my brother at xmas about his bad habits in his garden last summer that suffered because of the drought, so now he wants me to come fix it all up for this year. Should I make him pay?!! j/k
I was a bit challenged with the 12 midnight Pacific Time on the 29th timing, but the email came and just followed the links. My bank card was declined last night, so I had to wait till this morning to call the bank and get all that straightened out...Whew! I got all signed up now, and working through some of the intro materials. Really wonderful! Very exciting!