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Adam Pladson

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since Jan 12, 2014
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Recent posts by Adam Pladson

You appear to be quite interesting, you have any pictures?
8 years ago
Hey there. Im actually living in Denver right now. Are you still looking for people? 29 M
8 years ago
Hey there ladies. Have any pictures?
8 years ago
Hey, are you still in search of someone? Probably a long shot since this was posted so long ago. But worth a shot. You're a cutie.
8 years ago
However, let me know if you find something permanent. I dont really like the idea of crusing just looking for a place to live. But if a permanent place was found I would definately be interested....Also, your pretty cute
10 years ago
Hey Linda, unfortunately at the current moment Im not really ready to move all over the place. Just a little ahead of my timeframe right now. Thanks though!
10 years ago
Hi, and thanks for reading! A little about myself, my name is Adam, Im 26 and currently live in Denver, CO. Right now I am living in the city but eventually will get into homesteading. I really enjoy the lifestyle that homesteading will create. I love the thought of being self sustainable, working with my hands, building my own house, and living more free than I am now. I am really into golfing, being outdoors, carpentry, concerts, computers...etc. Im really into most anything thats fun, I am really a golfer at heart and am hoping this new lifestyle will provide an opportunity for me to chase down my dream!

I am looking for a woman to spend the rest of my life with. Age isnt a factor as long as it isnt tooo extreme. I cont have an issue with a LDR for a while, but not too long. I am more than willing to re-locate if need be. I look forward to talking with you!

- Adam
11 years ago